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Jamie Metzl

Human Resource Management in a Genetic Age

  • Ted Speaker
  • Author of Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity
  • United States Department of State as Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy & Public Affairs and Information Technology

Fee Range: Call for Fee

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    Hire jamie metzl, futurist jamie metzl, work with jamie metzl, speaker for hire jamie metzl

    Jamie Metzl

    Human Resource Management in a Genetic Age

    Actors & Reality Tv, Motivation & Inspiration

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    Jamie Metzl | Human Resource Management in a Genetic Age
    Keynote Speaker for hire Jamie Metzl is an American technology futurist, geopolitical expert, and writer, a former partner in the global investment company Cranemere LLC, and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Metzl is on the forefront of the exploration and development of future genetics revolution.  Metzl served the Clinton Administration, serving as Director for...
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    Call for Fee
    • Ted Speaker
    • Author of Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity
    • United States Department of State as Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy & Public Affairs and Information Technology

    Keynote Speaker for hire Jamie Metzl is an American technology futurist, geopolitical expert, and writer, a former partner in the global investment company Cranemere LLC, and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Metzl is on the forefront of the exploration and development of future genetics revolution.  Metzl served the Clinton Administration, serving as Director for Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs for the National Security Council, working for the Clinton Administration in the United States Department of State as Senior Advisor to the Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy & Public Affairs and Information Technology and Senior Coordinator for International Public Information,  and was also Deputy Staff Director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee under former Senator Joe Biden. The reception of his new book Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity has been incredible and his goal is to leverage that into more speaking engagements, making him a superb choice as a professional speaker at your next event.

    More than an electrifying speaker, Jamie Metzl is a trusted and sought-after expert on the ever-evolving global geopolitical and biotechnology landscapes. Having spoken around the world and at major companies from Walmart to Google on the geopolitical outlook, how a rising China is transforming the world as we know it, and the latest advances in biotechnology, Metzl is praised as “a fantastic authority” (HSBC) and “an absolute tour de force” (Network 20/20), guaranteed to leave your audience engaged and more deeply informed. Metzl’s book tells the story of the genetics revolution in ways anyone can understand – what’s happening, what’s at stake, what are each and all of our responsibilities. It has been featured in the New York TimesFinancial Times, the Economist,  TechCrunch, the Quartz, and many other media outlets.
    The overlapping genetics and AI revolutions are transforming our healthcare, the way we make babies, and how long we live. This revolution will be the greatest opportunity of our era, and also the greatest challenge – and it will have massive business implications that will increasingly define organizational success and failure in the 21st century. Corporations have struggled for decades to build open and inclusive workplaces comfortable to people of all races, nationalities, genders, ages, and sexual orientations. In the fast-arriving genetic age, companies will need to figure out such issues as how to deal with predictive health information, whether to cover egg freezing, embryo selection, and embryonic gene editing for employees and how to help employees prepare for longer than expected lives. While this may seem like science fiction, this future is already here. The genetics revolution will alter our perception of workforce capabilities and potentials and challenge even the most forward-thinking of corporations. It will upend traditional notions of equity, diversity, and inclusion and it will change much of everything.

    Beyond the Blue Zones: What the Revolutionary Science of Human Life Extension Means for You

    Most everybody knows we should exercise, eat well, build meaningful communities, and reduce stress to live healthy longer. But the revolutionary new science of human life extension is creating enticing new possibilities for using technology to extend our lives far beyond what nature intended. While the quest for immortality has been the stuff of fairy tales, the new science of life extension will soon be pushing the limits of aging and unlocking human potential in ways our ancestors never could have imagined. Technology futurist Jamie Metzl explores the latest breakthroughs in the science of human life extension that promise to gain is more of life‘s most precious commodity: time. Motivational speaker for hire Jamie explains what individuals, companies, and governments must do now to prepare for this revolutionary future that will fundamentally reorganize our societies and global economics.

    WORK WITH JAMIE METZL: Would your organization like to hire Jamie Metzl to make a personal appearance at your next event? Contact Celebrity Speakers Bureau today to hire Jamie Metzl or another business speaker via email at booking@celebrityspeakersbureau.com .


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