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Bruce Sterling


  • Author, "The Mysterious Island"

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Bruce Sterling | Author
Bruce Sterling; a novelist, spends more of his time working on computers, modems and fax machines. He sold his first science fiction story in 1976, his novels include Schismatrix, Islands In the Net, Heavy Weather and Holy Fire. He edited Mirrorshades: The Cyverupunk Anthology. Bruce Sterling has two collections of short stories, Crystal Express and...
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Call for Fee
  • Author, "The Mysterious Island"

Bruce Sterling; a novelist, spends more of his time working on computers, modems and fax machines. He sold his first science fiction story in 1976, his novels include Schismatrix, Islands In the Net, Heavy Weather and Holy Fire. He edited Mirrorshades: The Cyverupunk Anthology. Bruce Sterling has two collections of short stories, Crystal Express and Globalhead. In 1990, he and William Gibson published their collaborative ‘steampunk’ novel, The Difference Engine.

His first nonfiction book, The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder On The Electronic Frontier, came out in 1992. His book was on the investigative journalism that was exploring issues in computer crime and civil liberties. Bruce Sterling released the book on the Internet as a non-commercial “literary freeware.” He believes in electronic user rights and free expression. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Newsday, Whole Earth Review, Details, Mondo 2000, bOING, bOING, and Wired.

Three web projects that he has been involved with include: The Dead Media Project, The Viridian Design Movement, and Embrace the Decay.

Bruce Sterling has been featured in Science Fiction Eye and Monad, with regular columns in Interzone and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. He is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer of America and is available for speaking engagements, personal appearances and public events.

BOOKS: Involution Ocean, Crystal Express, Schismatrix Plus, Schismatrix, Zeitgeist, Distraction, Holy Fire, Black Swan, Globalhead, The Difference Engine, The Parthenopean Scalpel, A Good Old-Fashioned Future, The Caryatids, Tomorrow Now: Envision the Next 50 Years, Heavy Weather, Shaping Things, Sterling Point Books: Invasion: The Story of D-Day, Visionary in Residence: Stories, The Zenith Angle, Islands in the Net, The Artificial Kid, Crystal Express, Gothic High-Tech, Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology, The Mysterious Island, The Hacker Crackdown

TO WORK WITH BRUCE STERLING: Celebrity Speaker Bruce Sterling can be hired for speaking engagements and events in roles such as corporate appearances, endorsements, speaking.

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