Hire Arnie Gullov Singh - Speaker Fee - Celebrity Speakers Bureau

internet speaker arnie gullov singh

Arnie Gullov-Singh

COO of Polyvore

  • COO of Polyvore
  • Former CEO of Adly, Inc.

Fee Range: Call for Fee

Topics: Business Titans |

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Arnie Gullov-Singh | COO of Polyvore
Internet, Science and Technology Speaker Arnie Gullov-Singh currently is the Chief Operating Officer of Polyvore, which was acquired by Yahoo! in 2015. Arnie has served as Executive Vice President of Product, Technology and Operations at News Corp’s Fox Audience Network which he co-founded and it grow into one of the 5 largest display advertising networks in...
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Call for Fee
  • COO of Polyvore
  • Former CEO of Adly, Inc.

Internet, Science and Technology Speaker Arnie Gullov-Singh currently is the Chief Operating Officer of Polyvore, which was acquired by Yahoo! in 2015. Arnie has served as Executive Vice President of Product, Technology and Operations at News Corp’s Fox Audience Network which he co-founded and it grow into one of the 5 largest display advertising networks in the United States. As the VP at Fox Audience Network, he helped build large scale platforms for targeting and self serve advertising technology startup Strategic Data Corporation.


TO WORK WITH ARNIE GULLOV-SINGH: Social media expert and Internet Speaker Arnie Gullov-Singh can be hired for speaking engagements and events in roles such as corporate appearances, endorsements, speaking.

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